Published: 08th September 2020


Ten ways to improve the natural assets on a farm

Sustainable Farms is delighted to launch our new booklet, Ten ways to improve the natural assets on a farm. The booklet highlights ten discrete projects that farmers can undertake to improve the health of natural assets – such as dams, shelterbelts or riparian areas – on their properties.

The Ten Ways booklet highlights how one small change on a farm could create new habitat for native animals and lead to increased stock productivity. The publication is underpinned by 20 years of long-term research into biodiversity on farms. It also represents a knowledge collaboration that’s occurred over two decades between the farmers who are undertaking management practices, and the ANU ecologists supporting farmers’ observations with science.

We are pleased to provide this booklet for free to interested landholders in our project area – parts of the NSW Murray-Riverina, Central West and South West Slopes, and North East Victoria.

There are three ways to access the booklet:

  • click here to see a list of locations where you can collect a copy within our project area
  • click here to request a printed copy in the post (free, except for postage charge of $4.80)
  • click here to view the resource page and download the PDF guide

Published: 08th September 2020
