Andrew Macintosh
Research Director (Policy and Governance)
Professor Andrew Macintosh is a leading environmental law and policy scholar and is the Associate Dean (Research) at the ANU College of Law. Andrew is one of Australia’s preeminent experts on climate change mitigation and adaptation, particularly in relation to the land and forest sectors and the management of the elevated risks of bushfires and coastal hazards associated with climate change. He is also an expert on environmental policy design and evaluation, particularly the design and administration of environmental markets and environmental certification schemes.
Andrew was Chair of the Australian Government’s Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee and Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee between 2013-2020, a member of the Australian Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund Expert Reference Group in 2014, an Associate Member of the Climate Change Authority in 2015-2016, a member of the Expert Panel Examining Additional Sources of Low Cost Abatement (King Review) in 2019-2020, a member of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act Expert Review Panel in 2019-2020, and is currently a program lead for the Australian Government’s Agriculture Biodiversity Stewardship Package and National Biodiversity Trading Platform. Between 2019 and early 2021, he also Chaired Accounting for Nature Ltd’s Standards & Accreditation Committee and prepared its accreditation standard for environmental accounts, the first of its kind in Australia. In 2020, he served as one of the three Commissioners on the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements (otherwise known as the ‘Bushfires Royal Commission’).
Andrew’s research is widely published in prestigious international journals and in 2012, he was awarded the Schlamadinger Prize for Climate Change Research.